Zancudo Lodge Fish Report January, 2024
WELCOME to SEASON 18 at the Zancudo Lodge and Happy New Year to everyone!
Costa Rica fishing heats up inshore and offshore in January at The Zancudo Lodge!
It’s another EPIC opening month at The Zancudo Lodge and we rang in 2024 with beautiful sunny skies and calm glass seas. We’re witnessing the craziest amount of dorado and huge schools of yellowfin tuna ranging from 50lb to our biggest, so far, this season at 165lb. Also coming in strong is the Sailfish bite with some boats releasing up to 7 per day.
The Marlin front has been interesting and I surmise that because of the large number of dorado, the Blue Marlin are not concentrated in one specific area and are basically spread out. We are catching them sporadically at approximately 5-7 per week and the good news is…… that they are still HERE!
Last but not least, the inshore fishing is the best that we’ve seen in years with many big roosters and cubrera snappers allready released. Most importantly, our anglers have been EXCITED and HAPPY (albeit exhausted!) at the end of their fishing day and that’s a success for us!
Thanks to our guests’ support, the Lodge is sold out until the end of March but please contact us if April or May is of any interest!
May everyone catch your dream in 2024!!!