The Battle of the Bay Fishing Tournament – Register Now!

may 9-10 2025: 

The Stage is Set for Costa Rica’s ultimate Sport fishing tournament 

a Perfect Storm for anglers is brewing with a tournament featuring some of the World’s most famous Fishing Lodges and Captains

Download Rules and Regulations Here (PDF)

Enquire About Availability Here

Battle of the Bay May 9th and 10th, 2025 – If you love tournament fishing, imagine one with Costa Rica’s most exotic and pristine regions serving as the backdrop. 

Famous Southern Zone fishing lodges and operations like The Zancudo Lodge, Crocodile Bay and Marina Bahia Golfito as well as charter captains from the region and beyond are prepared for an ALL OUT BATTLE in one of the world’s foremost sport fishing destinations.

Bordering Panama, this region of Costa Rica has become synonymous with BIG fish. From blue, black, striped marlin and jumbo sized Pacific sailfish, tuna and dorado offshore to exotic inshore species like roosterfish, Cubera snapper, and African pompano, the variety and fish size is world class.

 The Battle of the Bay consists of three categories including Billfish Release, Roosterfish Release, and Gamefish. See all rules, entry fees and other information below.

Battle of the Bay Tournament Schedule and INfo
May 9-10, 2025
  • Thursday May 8TH, Captain’s Meeting at Botanika
  • Friday May 9TH, Full-day Tournament
  • Saturday May 10TH, Full-day Tournament Awards Ceremony & Closing Party at Marina Bahia Golfito

roosterfish on the popper

Enquire About Availability Here

There will be three (3) general tournament divisions

Billfish Release, Roosterfish Release, and Gamefish. Each division counts equally towards the Battle of the Bay Triple Crown Tournament Championship. At the end of the two (2) days of fishing, team rankings will be determined based on performance for each division.

  • 1st Place in division = 500 pts.;
  • 2nd Place in division = 300 pts.;
  • 3rd Place in division = 100 pts;
  • 4th Place and below = 0 pts.
  • Triple Crown Tournament Bonus Points = 600 pts.;
  • Triple Crown Daily Bonus Points = 200 pts. per Day.

The team/boat that has the best combined score across all three (3) general tournament divisions, including Triple Crown Bonus Points will be crowned the winner.

The Battle of the Bay Triple Crown will award 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place winners.

Girl fishing for yellowfin tuna

  • The Team registration fee is for a Team consisting of 1 to 5 anglers.
  • This basic registration fee covers the participation of the registered anglers.
  • The angler fee does not cover any daily boat charter expenses.
  • Charter boats are available for hire through the tournament office as well as from Crocodile Bay and Zancudo Lodge
Entry Fee 
General Entry Boats (mandatory)$500.00
Billfish Released Jackpot (Optional)$700.00
Tuna Jackpot (Optional)$700.00
Dorado Jackpot (Optional)$700.00
Rooster Released(Optional)$700.00
Total All in$3300.00
90% of entry fees will be paid out, including daily jackpots. 
Awards for the top three teams based on cumulative performance across all divisions. 
Plus, earn Triple Crown bonus points for an extra edge and increase your chances to claim victory!

Enquire About Availability Here

Tournament Rules and Information

• $500/boat – includes general entry for up to 5 anglers. This fee enables the boat to compete in all three (3) tournament divisions: Billfish, Gamefish, and Roosterfish. This fee covers the two (2) days of fishing.
• All tournament teams must pay the general fee to be entered into the “Battle of the Bay” • General tournament payout = 90% of the total entry fees collected, including daily jackpots.
• This part of the tournament pays 1st – 2nd – and 3rd place. The overall winners will be determined by their cumulative performance in all three divisions: Billfish, Gamefish, Roosterfish and Triple Crown Bonus Points. The payouts for the general entry tournament are: 1st place = 65%, 2nd place = 25%, and 3rd place = 10%.

• Modified IFGA Rules, an Angler can hand the rod off two times to another Angler.

• All Teams must check in with tournament control each morning before start fishing, and each afternoon upon returning from fishing. All teams must turn in their paperwork after each day of fishing to verify their catch/releases for the day.
• Shotgun Start and Stop fishing: 6:00 AM; Stop fishing: 3:00 PM – both of the two (2) days of fishing at a determined area inside the Gulf/video evidence is needed each morning.
• Official weigh-in/documentation: 3:00 PM – 5:00 PM both of the two (2) days of fishing.
• If a fish is hooked up before stop fishing at 3:00 PM, the team can fight the fish until it’s either caught, released, or lost, so long as the vessel returns to the scales by the 5:00 PM deadline. THE SCALES WILL BE CLOSED AT 5:00 PM.
• Boats are encouraged to call-in Hook-ups on the radio for any species targeted in any of the tournament divisions.


Released fish – Video documentation required for all fish released – only videos with leader in hand and fish in view will be accepted; all others will be deemed ineligible.

There is a 50 mile radius limit from Maltapalo. (see attached map for tournament fishing area) • Fishing with in the confines of Corcovado state park if is determined you fished there your entire catch will be disqualified for the day. (see attached map for tournament fishing area)

• All rulings and final judgment is based per discretion of weigh-master and tournament officials. Any Protest must be made between 3pm-7pm and a fee of $500 paid.
• In the event of a tie in points by two or more teams, the tie breaker will be determined on the the documented time of the first Kill/Release of fish in each category by each team. The team that Kills/Releases the first fish in each category will receive the higher of the points value. It is each teams responsibility to provide the judges evidence of their first kill/release for each category for documentation.

• The office rules for the tournament will be finalized at the captain’s meeting. Please make sure a team member attends.


There are three (3) general tournament divisions – Billfish Release, Roosterfish Release, and Gamefish. Each division counts equally towards the Battle of the Bay Triple Crown Tournament Championship. At the end of the two (2) days of fishing, team rankings will be determined based on performance for each division. 1st Place in division = 500 pts.; 2nd Place in division = 300 pts.; 3rd Place in division = 100 pts;
4th Place and below = 0 pts. Triple Crown Tournament Bonus Points = 600 pts.; Triple Crown Daily Bonus Points = 200 pts. per Day. The team/boat that has the best combined score across all three (3) general tournament divisions, including Triple Crown Bonus Points will be crowned the winner. The Battle of the Bay Triple Crown will award 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place winners.

• Qualifying Species: Blue Marlin, Black Marlin, Striped Marlin, and Sailfish
• You can hand the rod off twice.
• This is a release only division.
• Circle hooks are required for all live or dead bait fishing.
• Video documentation must be submitted for each release – only those videos with leader in hand and fish in view will be accepted.
• Scoring:
• Sailfish = 150 points
• Stripe Marlin = 200 Points
• Blue or Black Marlin = 400 points
• Most release points accumulated over the two (2) day fishing period wins division 2
• 1st Place in division = 500 pts.; 2nd Place in division = 300 pts.; 3rd Place in
division = 100 pts.; 4th Place and below = 0 pts.
• In the event of a tie in points by two or more teams, the tie breaker will be determined on the documented time of the first Billfish Release for each team.
The team that Released the Billfish first will receive the higher of the points value.

• Qualifying Species: Tuna [Yellowfin, Bigeye]; Dorado; Wahoo.
• Tuna Dorado and Wahoo tuna minimum of 20lbto qualify and dorado 15lb.
• You can weigh 2 of each species.
• The rod can be handed off once.
• All boated game-fish are to be brought to the scales between 3:00 – 5:00 PM at
the end of each fishing day.
• Each team can score one (1) tuna, one (1) dorado, and one (1) wahoo per day; teams can weigh 2 fish per species, but only single-heaviest will be recorded each day.
• Scoring = 1 point per pound
• Most points accumulated over the two (2) day fishing period wins the division
• 1st Place in division = 500 pts.; 2nd Place in division = 300 pts.; 3rd Place in division = 100 pts.; 4th Place and below = 0 pts.
• In the event of a tie in weight, the winner of the tie will be determined by the single largest gamefish weighed for the tied teams throughout the tournament regardless of species.

• Qualifying Species: Roosterfish
This is a release only division
• Circle hooks are required for all live or dead bait fishing
• Scoring:
• All fish UNDER 24-inches score zero (0) points
• 100 points per release of fish FROM 24 – 29.99 inches
• 125 points per release of fish FROM 30 – 35.99 inches
• 150 points per release of fish FROM 36 – 41.99 inches
• 175 points per release of fish OVER 42 inches
• Each team will receive an official tournament measuring tape to use for verification of fish length.
• Video documentation must be submitted for each release – only those videos with proper verification of fish length will be scored.
• Video must clearly show full length of fish with measuring tape (length measured from head of fish to end of tail)
• Most release points accumulated over the course of the two (2) day tournament
wins the division.
• 1st Place in division = 500 pts.; 2nd Place in division = 300 pts.; 3rd Place in
division = 100 pts.; 4th Place and below = 0 pts.
• In the event of a tie in points by two or more teams, the tie breaker will be
determined on the the documented time of the first Roosterfish Release for each
team. The team that Released the Roosterfish first will receive the higher of the
points value.

Teams that score one (1) or more billfish release, one (1) or more roosterfish release, and weigh one (1) or more gamefish [tuna, wahoo, or dorado] throughout the (3) day tournament will be awarded 600 bonus points towards their cumulative tournament point total.

Teams that score one (1) or more billfish release, one (1) or more roosterfish release, and weigh one (1) or more gamefish [tuna, wahoo, or dorado] on any given day of the two (2) day tournament will be awarded 200 bonus points towards their cumulative point total.
• Teams can potentially receive the “Triple Crown Bonus” for both of the two (2)
tournament fishing days for a total value of up to 400 bonus points.

The overall winner of the Triple Crown is determined by the top combined divisional scores across all three (3) divisions and Triple Crown Daily & Tournament Bonus Points.
• In the event of a tie in Total Tournament Points including Bonus Points by two or more teams, the tie breaker between the tied teams will be determined based on the team that has received the most Triple Crown Bonus Points (Maximum of 1,000 Bonus Points).
• In the even that both of the tied teams have equal bonus points the first team to complete the Triple Crown will be crowned the overall tournament champion.
• In the event that neither of the tied teams completed the Triple Crown, the winner of the tie will be determined based on the documented time each team scored points in two of the three divisions first.
• In the event that neither of the tied teams scored points in more then one division, the winner of the tie will be determined by the documented time of each teams first fish.

• Daily Jackpots are completely optional and separate from general tournament, but enables teams to win cash each day by betting against one another amongst four (4) categories: Billfish, Tuna, Dorado, and Roosterfish.
• Teams choosing to participate in the optional daily jackpots must enter for both of the two (2) tournament days = $700 total per category.
• Must submit all entries prior to start of first day of fishing.4
• Jackpots based per day, per category.
• You may choose to enter any or all categories.
• Example: A team can choose to place $700 bet for the Billfish category; $700 bet for the Roosterfish category; and $0 for either of the Tuna or Dorado categories.
This would require that team to pay $1,400 in Optional Jackpot entries for the  Tournament ($700 Billfish + $700 Roosterfish = $1,400).
• Teams can also opt to go “ALL IN”, where they buy-in across the board for all four (4) jackpot categories $2,800 bet + $500 (general tournament entry) = $3,300.
• Scoring:
• Billfish: Most billfish release points per day wins jackpot
• Tuna: Single-heaviest tuna wins jackpot each day
• Dorado: Single-heaviest dorado wins jackpot each day
• Inshore: Most Roosterfish release points per day wins jackpot
• In the event of a tie in any of the daily Calcutta’s, the prize money for the tied category will be divided equally between the tied teams.

In the case of a species of fish not being caught in a single day or during the tournament, the daily Calcutta’s will roll to the following categories.

5 Daily Jackpot