Video – How to Make Sashimi from Dock to Plate
How to make sashimi Zancudo Lodge style
This short video takes you through the sashimi process from dock to plate
Everybody loves catching yellowfin tuna, and a very close second to the catching, is the eating. This video will show how to cut the sashimi once it’s on the dock and how to slice the cuts into plate sized portions in the kitchen.
Yellowfin tuna is by far one of the most popular table fish and at The Zancudo Lodge we take the art of sashimi very seriously.
Tuna is one of the few fish that can regulate it’s own body temperature, and with it’s bright red meat it makes for excellent seared steaks, and a variety of sushi styles, one of the most popular of course being sashimi. Enjoy the following video walking you through the sashimi process from dock to plate.
Video – How to Make Fresh Sashimi Zancudo Lodge Style
Video brought to you by Yeti and Bubba Blade
Tuna is one of the strongest offshore fighting fish you will ever encounter and our boats, radar and captains put you in the best possible position to have a successful tuna fishing trip.
Yellowfin Quick Facts
Yellowfins are able to escape most predators, because unlike most fish, tuna are warm-blooded, and their warm muscles make them extremely strong swimmers, and great eating, with yellowfin tuna reaching “speeds of up to 50 miles per hour”. (They can navigate enormous distances, sometimes crossing entire oceans.)
Billfish also love to dine on yellowfin so the small ones make great bait for those seeking marlin after they get their fill of tuna offshore. Learn more about tuna and other fish species with this offshore fishing video here
When to Catch Tuna
The Zancudo Lodge boats find tuna in the 50-80lb range while fishing offshore five out of seven days a week while offshore – cows (or individuals over two hundred pounds are hooked up a couple times a month. These fish are extreme fighters and not for the weak of heart (or lower back). Be sure to get your arm curls in evey day to get ready for these back breaking beasts.
For more information on catching tuna and eating fresh sashimi at the Gamefisher restaurant at The Zancudo Lodge visit www.zancudolodge.com
Book Your Tuna Fishing Trip at The Zancudo Lodge, Costa Rica