Tuna and Marlin Bite on Fire Again at The Zancudo Lodge
Amazing tuna bite continues after high def radar picks up the school 5 miles out Since opening we have caught 108 blue marlin. Today he had a wide open tuna bite Thanks to our Raym
An Amazing Day of Marlin Fishing Offshore Gallery
Double marlin hookup gallery In this case, photos speak louder than words – Just look at the captain’s face! This double marlin hookup was a thing of beauty. The only t
What a December Best Fishing in Costa Rica
Epic Fishing in December at The Zancudo Lodge, Costa Rica GREGG: “Mr. Wachtel, how was your day today?” MR. WACHTEL: “As we Americans would call it ……… IT WAS EPIC!!!!!
Video: Tuna Working a Bait Ball
Amazing tuna on bait ball video In the following video Sam Root really captures the excitement of encountering a school of tuna working their supperior firepower on a bait ball. Th
Fishing in Early December – Zancudo Lodge Costa Rica
Fishing report – Gregg Mufson – The Zancudo Lodge Best December opening to a season in over a decade I can now say this is the best fishing I have seen in December since pur