Personal Best Yellowfin Tuna

Personal Best Yellowfin Tuna

The Zancudo Lodge delivers yet another “Personal Best” Yellowfin Tuna to an angler in Costa Rica

Yellowfin on a popper side of boat


I had the opportunity to visit the Zancudo in Golfito Costa Rica last week. I was lucky enough to catch this PB yellowfin tuna casting a stick bait. (the medium green sardine Mackstick.) The drag on the reel went in and out on me so it took quite a bit longer to land this baby than anticipated.Definitely an early Christmas present for me as this my biggest yellowfin tuna and on a lures which makes it even better. Not sure how heavy it is but it’s heavy enough to take 25 min to land on 60lb test spinning gear with a busted drag.Have a great Christmas and new year everyone!– Sam Root