Amazing snapper, rooster and tuna bite
Greetings from the Zancudo Lodge! I love chatting with our clients about fishing when they return to the dock. The greatest part of this job is when a client reports that “the fishing was amazing and in fact, I think this was my BEST day ever”. J. Barker, who is on his 5th consecutive annual trip to the Lodge, and his brother caught 5 monster roosters ranging from 60lb to 80lb. They also landed a nice cubera snapper.

While heading back, Capt Javier, using his Simrad Super HD Radar, located a bunch of birds working 5 miles out and lo and behold, they pulled up on a giant school of tuna and landed 2 nice 60lb fish. What a way to wrap up a day of variety!
J. Johnson brought his brother and friend Mark for their first trip to the Lodge. They had a great day fishing as well, landing 6 tunas with one scaling in at 117lbs. It was non stop action for the crew and at one point when they were reeling in a tuna, a marlin gave chase and Capt Cholo reacted in an instant flash with the casting of a live blue runner. The marlin bit and 30 minutes later, a 150lb beauty was contender side. “It was so much fun fighting the marlin on your lighter Okuma Makaria 10 gear!”.

Great guests, experienced captains and the best gear — all at the Zancudo Lodge. Come join us in Costa Rica for more thrilling action in April and May. Call for open dates!